
Our names are Jon and Joanna Gurr.
We are the creators of royal destiny. The name comes
from the fact that we are both madly in love with Jesus and believe

that because of what He has done for us we have been adopted
by Father God as his son and daughter. We made this blog to write
about our daily lives and the amazing life adventure we are on together.

We hope you will enjoy this site. We know we will enjoy hosting it.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sunday's Service

Our church service Sunday was amazing. We always have some type of opening before worship where we pray and prepare our hearts for worship. This Sunday there was a sense that we as a church were going to another level in the Lord. Then right before Joanna started worship we heard a transformer explode and all the power went out. The minute it happened I (Jon) had a sense that this wasn't just some accident, but that God was trying to tell us something. During preservice prayer (our prayer time before church starts) I heard the phrase in my head "the air is charged" as in electric charge. When the power went out I felt like the Lord said that what was going on in the spiritual, manifested itself in the natural. The air was charged in the spiritual so it manifested in the natural. So I shared that with the congregation, and then we went on with our service. After the pastor spoke, He said lets stand and pray, and the minute he said that the power came back on. It was really awesome. I believe there is more that the Lord is wanting to tell our church through that encounter, but I don't know what it is yet. It will be fun to search Him out and find all what He is trying to say. Needless to say the whole service was awesome. I absolutely love it when God does new things. He moves from Glory to Glory and to be able to see glimpses of that is such an honor to me. I can't wait to see more!!!

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