
Our names are Jon and Joanna Gurr.
We are the creators of royal destiny. The name comes
from the fact that we are both madly in love with Jesus and believe

that because of what He has done for us we have been adopted
by Father God as his son and daughter. We made this blog to write
about our daily lives and the amazing life adventure we are on together.

We hope you will enjoy this site. We know we will enjoy hosting it.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Little bit of everything

-I'm glad to report that I am just about back to normal health wise. All symptoms have left except for a nagging cough, but even that has been much better today.

-Our good friend Faith ministered to us at chruch last night....it was awesome.....I believe everyone ended up on the floor at some point

-Today was pretty uneventful, we went to the church for a while and spent the rest of the afternoon here at home.

- Mike took his two boys to the Georgia Tech game and Tech upset Clemson...Go Tech!!!!

- Joanna and myself have Sunday School tomorrow....we are starting prophecy, it should be fun

-Anyway sorry for the boring post...will write tomorrow

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Yep, I (Jon) am sick. I got the ole coughing, fever, and runny nose stuff. I'm pretty sure I got it from my nephew Charlie who had the same symptoms. I decided to hold Charlie and pray for him while he was sick, and sure enough I got what he had. I tend to have the attitude that if Jesus could touch sick people and not get sick then I should be able to also. I have to say that most of the time I don't. A few moths ago, I held and a prayed for a little girl who had strep throat (which is highly contagious), and I didn't get sick at all. I don't believe I have to stay away from sick people when they are sick. The Kingdom of God is within in me and because of that I should not be ruled by sickness. But I can't ignore the fact that I am sick. What I can do is not back down from sickness. I believe the enemy would love for me to reason that I got sick praying for a sick person, therefore, I will not go near sick people when I pray for them. I refuse to believe lies like that. All it makes me want to do is pray for more sick people and stand as close to them as possible. Faith is grown through risk. The more risks I take the more my faith grows; the more my faith grows the less sick I am. Anyway, that is my take on this cold I have contracted. It will not get me down. :)

Friday, September 21, 2007


My (Jon's) best friend Mike (www.wunderkraut.com check it out) just started his new job today. This is awesome because his new job is a work from home job. This gives him more flexibility and will allow him to work from just about anywhere in the world if they were to ever choose to move. Mike is amazing. He is one of the smartest people I know, and he is an amazing friend. The quality of a true friend is one who will let you be yourself around them, Mike is one of those kind of friends. I always feel free to be myself around him. The Bible says there are some friends who are closer than a brother. I feel that Mike is one of those kind of friends for me. So this is my ode to Mike.... I can't quit you man :)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Update to Azaleas

So we went to dig up Azaleas (which by the way bumped up to digging 24 bushes instead of twelve) and when we got there realized that the bushes were big and old and impossible to dig up. This didn't bother me any because, as written earlier, I am not a fan of yard work. It was then decided to go buy the 24 bushes from a local greenhouse in town. So we took off in 3 vehicles and went to go load the bushes. Again, loading 24 bushes from a greenhouse is in the same family as yard work. So although easier to do, I still would have chosen to do just about anything else. When I got there, the worker at the greenhouse said that the bushes could be loaded in one truck. That meant that my truck was not needed and I could go home. To sum it all up, I went from having to dig up 24 azalea bushes to loading 24 bought azaleas instead to having to do nothing and just going home. This all happened because Jesus love me!!!!!
I love Jesus.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


This is a picture of an azalea bush. In a few minutes I (Jon) am going to help dig up about 12 of these. I have know idea how big they are. They could be as big as the one in this photo, but I am praying they are much smaller. I have never dug up a bush before, although it seems to me that it might be pretty tough to do. I personally am not a fan of yard work. If I had my choice of yard work or anything else I would probably pick the anything else everytime. But alas I am doing this to help my inlaws and they are well worth it. I will let you know how it goes.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Sorry for the slow posting...haven't had a whole lot to talk about as of late. I'm hoping to post more frequently from here on out. I don't think I have announced on here that I (Jon) am trying to get on the list of substitute teachers for our county school system. I turned in my application today and pending approval form our school board I should be on the list and ready to work. One of the needs for the school system is high school substitutes. Most substitutes don't want to sub high school, and since substituting is choice alot say no. So this is a really good opportunity to extend the Kingdom in the school system especially the high schools. Plus it is good supplemental income. Anyway I will keep you posted on how this adventure turns out.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New Equipment

We were able to get some new sound equipment for the church a few days ago. This is really exciting for Joanna and myself because we make up the worship team for the church. Joanna is the Worship Leader and by the way has an amazing voice....she sings prophetically alot on Sundays and the anointing that she carries to do that is incredible. I play guitar and am semi talented at it. I have played for years but really desire to get better at it. So I have decided to start practicing again. Anyway the new equipment is awesome. We were able to get a new keyboard, mixing board, two speakers, a wireless lapel mic, and two more microphones. This is so exciting for us, because it shows the Lord's favor on us. To be a new/small church, but able to get this equipment only shows how amazing our Heavenly Father is. He never ceases to amaze us. He is a Father that gives only good gifts to His children. And this equipment was nothing but a gift from Him.