Well its been a heck of a day. It started off with having to give Mike and Jen's youngest child (Madi) Milk of Magnesia because she has not gone number 2 in at least 7 days. Not sounding so bad, except for the fact that she absolutely refused to take the medicine. So we had to call her doctor to see what we needed to do get her some much needed relief. The nurse said to give her a Suppository. Yes I (Jon) had to stick Fleet's Brand Glycerin Suppositories up a rear end while Joanna held her down....Not fun.... Anyway, it did the trick and boy did she go about an hour later. You don't know gross till you witness 7 days of backed up feces coming out at one time. I feel like I could live through anything now.
It wasn't but a little while later that we saw on national news that there was a horrible bus crash in south china killing 25 people. This was the mode of transportation Mike and Jen were taking to get to their next city. So needless to say we were a bit frantic trying to find out the details of the crash. Where it was...if it was on the same route they were taking etc..... Well, the crash ended up happening way farther west than where they were. That was a huge relief for us. But still we had no contact with them for over twelve hours, and after a nerve wracking thing like that happening all any of us wanted to do was hear there voice, and know that they made it safe. We heard from them around 1:00 P.M. our time, and they had made it safely to their new hotel and were doing fine. It was so good to hear their voice.
So between glycerin suppositories, diarrhea and Mike and Jen's bus ride, we have had a really exhausting day. But we are doing great and excited to see Mike and Jen on Saturday. All the kids can talk about is seeing their parents and their new sister Mei. I know Mike and Jen are really missing their kids here, and it will be a fun time at the airport when they all get to be with each other once again.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Sausage and Throw Up
As I posted before, we are watching Mike and Jennifer's children (Nathan, Charlie, and Madi) while they are in China. We are holding up great...just a little tired. Which is why I have no been posting as much. Nathan (the oldest of the three) has been pretty sick the last couple of days. He barfed this morning and missed most of the bowl which meant clean up on my part. I did great...I only gagged twice. This is usually my way of dealing with gross things. Unlike most people who will gag during the clean up, I tend to gag at the site of the mess and then my stomach is fine for the clean up. The only difference this morning was that right before he threw up, I had eaten my weight in link sausage for breakfast. That made it a bit worse on my stomach. Which is what accounted for the two gags instead of one. All in all it wasn't that bad, and he is feeling much better this afternoon.
I will try to post as much as I can, but it might be a bit sparse around here until Mike and Jenn get back into town.
I will try to post as much as I can, but it might be a bit sparse around here until Mike and Jenn get back into town.
Monday, January 21, 2008
While my sister (Jennifer) and her husband (Mike) are in China picking up their newly adopted baby Mei, Joanna and myself are watching their other three children for 15 days. Today, we went to the Warner Robins Aviation Museum. We really had a blast. I'm not just talking about the kids, I'm talking about me too. Those that know me best, know that I am a kid at heart. I personally never want to grow out of the excitement of learning or seeing new things. So today was really fun for me. They had a ton of planes and helicopters. The best part was being able to sit in a couple of real pilot cockpits. One of the cockpits was from a fighter jet. i can't describe to you the hundreds of buttons and knobs a pilot has to be in charge of. Just sitting there looking at them was overwhelming. I couldn't even imagine actually having to memorize what they are and remembering all of that at 200MPH...all while being aware of the enemy. Needless to say I have a new found respect for all pilots, it really is an amazing job. Anyway, here are some pictures of our day today.
Friday, January 18, 2008
My Obsession Paid Off
So my obsession with Peyton Manning paid off. I actually got him to write on my website. Don't believe me? Just check out the comments on my last post. Yep, Peyton loves me. And as I suspected, Tom Brady hates me. Which suits me just fine, seeing as he is a goat loving pansy. (just check out google images.) Wasn't there a movie about two men who herd goats together. I think it was called Brokeback something....
Anyway, the colts are out of the playoffs which is extremely disappointing. I don't know who to go for now. I am deciding between Eli Manning (Peyton's brother) or Brett Favre in his last stand. I am leaning toward Favre, but am still undecided. I will probably decide sometime in the first quarter of the game. On a side note, I was able to be there for Peyton in his loss and had Joanna take a picture of me consoling him. Here it is below.
Anyway, the colts are out of the playoffs which is extremely disappointing. I don't know who to go for now. I am deciding between Eli Manning (Peyton's brother) or Brett Favre in his last stand. I am leaning toward Favre, but am still undecided. I will probably decide sometime in the first quarter of the game. On a side note, I was able to be there for Peyton in his loss and had Joanna take a picture of me consoling him. Here it is below.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Another Question to Ponder
We have decided to put our phone, internet and cable all under one company. Because of that, internet has been down for a couple of days. But we have made the transition and everything should be working fine from here on out.
Just before I logged on, I had an interesting thing happen to me. My ear itched on the outside so I did what any human would do, I scratched it. What I didn't expect to happen, was to somehow cut the top of my ear and not realize it till the entire outside of my ear is covered in blood. I not exagerating, I didn't know the human ear could bleed that much. I mean its only cartlidge for gosh sakes. What this does though, is bring up an interesting question. Why do things like that happen sometimes? Mike and I talk about this alot. I mean I've relieved my ear from an itch thousands of times in my life, and then out of nowhere, I cut it. It's almost as if my own body attacks itself. Mike has brought up this very subject on his own blog. You chew food a million times in your life, so why do you bite your tounge? Or even worse, how in the heck do you bite the inside of your cheek? I challenge you right now, try to bite the inside of your cheek. It's not easy, you really have to do some mouth movement to get the inside of your cheek between your teeth. Yet somehow while chewing gum or eating, we bite a chunk of cheek out. I just don't get. Mike thinks its's our bodies self canablizing. And to tell you the truth, I am beginning to believe him more and more everyday.
Just before I logged on, I had an interesting thing happen to me. My ear itched on the outside so I did what any human would do, I scratched it. What I didn't expect to happen, was to somehow cut the top of my ear and not realize it till the entire outside of my ear is covered in blood. I not exagerating, I didn't know the human ear could bleed that much. I mean its only cartlidge for gosh sakes. What this does though, is bring up an interesting question. Why do things like that happen sometimes? Mike and I talk about this alot. I mean I've relieved my ear from an itch thousands of times in my life, and then out of nowhere, I cut it. It's almost as if my own body attacks itself. Mike has brought up this very subject on his own blog. You chew food a million times in your life, so why do you bite your tounge? Or even worse, how in the heck do you bite the inside of your cheek? I challenge you right now, try to bite the inside of your cheek. It's not easy, you really have to do some mouth movement to get the inside of your cheek between your teeth. Yet somehow while chewing gum or eating, we bite a chunk of cheek out. I just don't get. Mike thinks its's our bodies self canablizing. And to tell you the truth, I am beginning to believe him more and more everyday.
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