
Our names are Jon and Joanna Gurr.
We are the creators of royal destiny. The name comes
from the fact that we are both madly in love with Jesus and believe

that because of what He has done for us we have been adopted
by Father God as his son and daughter. We made this blog to write
about our daily lives and the amazing life adventure we are on together.

We hope you will enjoy this site. We know we will enjoy hosting it.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Forehead for President

An Average Forehead for an Average America

To my many readers, I am choosing this website to officially enter my forehead in for the presidential election. After seeing Wunderkraut and Crotalus, enter their foreheads I felt it was my social responsibility to give all of you a choice in the type of forehead you want running this country. As you can tell by the size of my opponents foreheads, they don't care much for normal foreheads. Yes, they may tell you they do, but all they care about is padding the pockets of their own kind. I on the other hand, am for the average person. The ones who are like most of us....just barely getting by with our normal sized heads. They may tell you that they are smarter with a bigger forehead, or that they have a bigger brain. I feel it is my responsibility to let you know that those statements are all false. Studies have shown bigger foreheads do not produce bigger brains, but bigger bone mass. Or in laymen terms, thicker skulls. Now my question is, is that who you want running your country? I mean if my opponents can't even keep hair on their own head, how do you expect them to keep this country safe. Wouldn't you rather have an average sized forehead run this country? A forehead that most of America can relate to. A forehead that understands you and knows what you go through. A forehead that cares. That is why I am entering my forehead, and that is why it will be the next president of this United States!


Anonymous said...

Your ideas intrigue me. Where can I sign up for your news letter?

Average forehead...average just means you aren't quite good enough.

Jon and Joanna Gurr said...

no..average means normal...you my giant foreheaded friend would be what we call abnormal

Mrs. Chief said...

Do I know you??? You fell into the sneaky forehead trap...SUCKER!

Anonymous said...

Pandering to the masses, appealing to them as if you are one of their own. We've all seen this tactic before.

Unfortunately, we've also seen it work. I must go now and come up with a counter strategy.

Crotalus's Forehead