Monday, September 1, 2008
Another Party

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Happy Birthday Keleigh!!!
Today we had a party at our church for our friend Keleigh. She is an amazing mother of six kids. So, we just wanted to say:
We would like to dedicate this video to you:
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Another cool song
The another songI heard today was 'When I come Around' by Greenday. This was one of their first songs and I love it because the same chord progression is played through out the entire song...yet you don't really notice the redundancy. SO, here is their video also:
Cool Song
I heard a song on the radio today that I absolutely loved, and its from a band that I really really like. The song is 'Amazing' by Aerosmith. I love this song. Steven Tyler is awesome.... he is the only singer that can scream constantly and sound good through out the song. I also really like the guitar in this song. Anyway, here is the video:
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Aplysia Morio
Here are the pictures below....one is mine and one is an Internet photo.

Internet Photo

My photo with slug in protect mode
We are back
The only hard part about coming back from a vacation is going back to work. Today though was easy. I realized when I got to work that it was my Saturday to work at the bank. And seeing as the bank absolutely does not pay overtime, I left at 12 today to avoid overtime. On top of that, next Monday is labor so I am off and then I am off again the next Tuesday. So September is a great month to be a banker. You have to love bankers hours.
Anyway, we are glad to be back. I should be posting pictures from the beach soon including a sea creature I caught while I was there....more to come later.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Fay at the Beach
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Heading to the beach

Friday, August 22, 2008
Ghost Town

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I'm Alive
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Lucky's Funeral
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Forehead for President
To my many readers, I am choosing this website to officially enter my forehead in for the presidential election. After seeing Wunderkraut and Crotalus, enter their foreheads I felt it was my social responsibility to give all of you a choice in the type of forehead you want running this country. As you can tell by the size of my opponents foreheads, they don't care much for normal foreheads. Yes, they may tell you they do, but all they care about is padding the pockets of their own kind. I on the other hand, am for the average person. The ones who are like most of us....just barely getting by with our normal sized heads. They may tell you that they are smarter with a bigger forehead, or that they have a bigger brain. I feel it is my responsibility to let you know that those statements are all false. Studies have shown bigger foreheads do not produce bigger brains, but bigger bone mass. Or in laymen terms, thicker skulls. Now my question is, is that who you want running your country? I mean if my opponents can't even keep hair on their own head, how do you expect them to keep this country safe. Wouldn't you rather have an average sized forehead run this country? A forehead that most of America can relate to. A forehead that understands you and knows what you go through. A forehead that cares. That is why I am entering my forehead, and that is why it will be the next president of this United States!
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Back From Florida
Thursday, June 5, 2008
For those that may actually read this blog. Joanna and myself are heading back to Lakeland, FL tomorrow for one night. We will have more pictures and stories when we get back.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Month of May
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I Love Banking

Saturday, April 12, 2008
New Job
I have started a new job with a bank in town. I am really enjoying it. There is a really good chance of promotion there so I am hoping it will be soon. The position that will be opening up soon is for the Assistant Branch manager position. The guy that has that job is looking to move to Atlanta. My boss has already told me she wants me to fill the position when he goes. The only hang up is that I have only been there 6 weeks and the bank likes you to be in one position for at least six months before promotion. the branch manager is hoping that they will make an exception. She does hold alot of clout with the company so I personally don't think it will be an issue.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Barack is Scary
Here is my problem with that. Obama has personally known the man for about 17 years. The pastor performed the wedding ceremony for the Obamas. Obama said the reverend was like an Uncle (family)to him. But He has pretty much said He had no idea the reverend felt this way. I don't believe it. You can't be that close..."family" close and not know how the man stood on all of this. Yet, he let the pastor on the campaign trail. This is a big deal. Personally, I think it is the beginning of the down fall for Barack Obama. I think that more and more of these things are going to start coming out about him. I think he has made friends in the past that are going to start hurting his reputation. Lastly, I think that the Clinton campaign has all the ammunition already and his just waiting for the right time to use it. Just wait and see, the Clinton's are extremely calculating, and will do anything to win.
Disclaimer: This will be my last political post. Like I said, It is not something I am extremely interested in, but I did feel the need to at least share my stance.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Happy Birthday

Friday, February 22, 2008
Reagan Baby
Anyway, here are the results and the link if you want to take the quiz yourself

Which Great US President Are You Most Like?
You scored as a Ronald Reagan
40th President, in office from 1981-1989 Born: 1911 Died: 2004
Ronald Reagan 83%
Franklin Roosevelt 71%
John Kennedy 67%
Theodore Roosevelt 67%
Abraham Lincoln 59%
Harry Truman 55%
Woodrow Wilson 48%
Dwight Eisenhower 45%
Lyndon Johnson 38%
George Washington 33%
Thomas Jefferson 29%
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Our Day
It wasn't but a little while later that we saw on national news that there was a horrible bus crash in south china killing 25 people. This was the mode of transportation Mike and Jen were taking to get to their next city. So needless to say we were a bit frantic trying to find out the details of the crash. Where it was...if it was on the same route they were taking etc..... Well, the crash ended up happening way farther west than where they were. That was a huge relief for us. But still we had no contact with them for over twelve hours, and after a nerve wracking thing like that happening all any of us wanted to do was hear there voice, and know that they made it safe. We heard from them around 1:00 P.M. our time, and they had made it safely to their new hotel and were doing fine. It was so good to hear their voice.
So between glycerin suppositories, diarrhea and Mike and Jen's bus ride, we have had a really exhausting day. But we are doing great and excited to see Mike and Jen on Saturday. All the kids can talk about is seeing their parents and their new sister Mei. I know Mike and Jen are really missing their kids here, and it will be a fun time at the airport when they all get to be with each other once again.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Sausage and Throw Up
I will try to post as much as I can, but it might be a bit sparse around here until Mike and Jenn get back into town.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
My Obsession Paid Off
Anyway, the colts are out of the playoffs which is extremely disappointing. I don't know who to go for now. I am deciding between Eli Manning (Peyton's brother) or Brett Favre in his last stand. I am leaning toward Favre, but am still undecided. I will probably decide sometime in the first quarter of the game. On a side note, I was able to be there for Peyton in his loss and had Joanna take a picture of me consoling him. Here it is below.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Another Question to Ponder
Just before I logged on, I had an interesting thing happen to me. My ear itched on the outside so I did what any human would do, I scratched it. What I didn't expect to happen, was to somehow cut the top of my ear and not realize it till the entire outside of my ear is covered in blood. I not exagerating, I didn't know the human ear could bleed that much. I mean its only cartlidge for gosh sakes. What this does though, is bring up an interesting question. Why do things like that happen sometimes? Mike and I talk about this alot. I mean I've relieved my ear from an itch thousands of times in my life, and then out of nowhere, I cut it. It's almost as if my own body attacks itself. Mike has brought up this very subject on his own blog. You chew food a million times in your life, so why do you bite your tounge? Or even worse, how in the heck do you bite the inside of your cheek? I challenge you right now, try to bite the inside of your cheek. It's not easy, you really have to do some mouth movement to get the inside of your cheek between your teeth. Yet somehow while chewing gum or eating, we bite a chunk of cheek out. I just don't get. Mike thinks its's our bodies self canablizing. And to tell you the truth, I am beginning to believe him more and more everyday.